The Leadmill wins first battle in court with the judge saying he believed they had “a real prospect of success”

The Leadmill has taken one step closer in its bid for survival in the eviction battle against its landlord.
The case was heard by Recorder Mohyuddin, King’s Counsel, in the Leeds Business & Property Court on 20th and 21st May 2024.
Following a change in the Leadmill’s legal team, various submissions were made to explain why the Landlord’s approach was unlawful. The Judge decided to transfer the case to the High Court. He also said that he believed that 3 of the 4 amended defence arguments that The Leadmill were making had “a real prospect of success”.
Mr Madden admitted in his latest witness statement that if he succeeds in evicting the Leadmill, he will not be calling it “The Leadmill”.
He has also admitted all of the staff will be replaced.
Leadmill staff were at the Hearing and were shocked to hear the news that Madden and his boss, Jacob Lewis, were intending to destroy their livelihoods.
Madden also confirmed that he would be evicting the workshop users if he succeeds, putting an end to the tenancies of those still working from The Leadmill, including the artist who has been in residence for 38 years, as well as the charitable and socially beneficial organisations and start-up businesses, which The Leadmill has nurtured throughout its time at the premises.
A Leadmill spokesperson said: “We expect the landlord’s PR company PHA Group will attempt to put a spin on the proceedings, but this is a first step in separating the truth from the lies”.
In light of the Human Rights arguments that are now being considered this case does not just involve The Leadmill. There are one and a half million business tenants in the UK who are at risk of having the goodwill of their business expropriated, their employees’ livelihoods terminated.
The Leadmill intends to ensure that the law recognises such actions are not only a violation of the well-established principles of Human Rights law, but that the next Government takes steps to prevent such morally bankrupt business methods from occurring in the future.