Researchers from plant-based food brand Vivera has taken a deep dive into the nation’s eating habits and revealed that more of us than ever before are ditching table manners, with half (50 percent) of respondents claiming that eating is a far less formal affair these days.

50 percent claim that everyone seems to talk with their mouth full these days, 48 percent insist that people putting their elbows on the dinner table is now the norm, and 46 percent claim that it’s common practice for everyone to dig in as soon as they are served, rather than politely waiting.

22 percent claim that getting messy while eating food is no longer taboo – with 20 percent saying getting food all over your mouth and hands is part of the fun.

Despite the love of messy mealtime, 86 percent of those polled said they’d think twice about eating something that would make a mess on a date, and 60 percent get self-conscious about being covered in grub while out and about revealing that for some, there is a fear of being judged by the “Manners Police”.

To help Brits embrace messy eating, Vivera is marking World Kebab Day with the ultimate gift for lovers of deliciously messy grub – booths for them to devour in private. Attendees will be treated to FREE kebabs, each one packed full of plant-based goodness and dripping with delightfully slobbery sauces – just the way Brits like it.

45 percent of the 1500 Brits polled said that more people are ignoring a knife and fork and digging in with their hands, and 38 percent believe the days of using a napkin or serviette to protect your clothes from food splatters are over.

In fact, almost a quarter (24 percent) said that they very often see people wiping their mouths with their sleeves these days.

Karin Lowik, Marketing Director at Vivera says: “We absolutely love to see that Brits are beginning to lose their inhibitions when it comes to embracing new foods and great tastes. But we do understand there might be some caution, which is why we’ve built these fabulous private booths for people to enjoy a juicy kebab with full abandon on World Kebab Day.”

The study also revealed a list of modern table manners that are replacing traditional ones, with no vaping at the table (60 percent), never click your fingers at the waiter (57 percent), don’t take a call at the table (54 percent), and never assume someone’s pronouns at a dinner party (14 percent) all on the list.

And when it comes to the top foods we enjoy getting messy while meeting, the data revealed that at number one was pizza with 39 percent, followed by kebabs (34 percent), wraps (32 percent), and burritos (28 percent).

Kebab lovers and messy eaters just need to head to Iron Bloom Shoreditch, London between 11.30am – 2.30pm and 5pm – 7:30pm for free Vivera plant-based Kebabs on World Kebab Day. No booking is required, visit www.vivera.com/only-plants.