TV Series That Capture Swedish Culture That May Change Your Perspective

In the past years, there has been an ever-increasing interest in Scandinavia as an entertainment producer. Before this interest, few people would actively search for northern television programs and films. One of the favourite streaming services nowadays is Netflix and one can find many shows produced in northern European countries. In many TV series, one can understand more about Swedish culture, in particular snus which is a cultural phenomenon. Snus are packets of tobacco that are placed below the upper lip whilst the nicotine is absorbed. Snus is more popular in Sweden than smoking tobacco and Swedes prefer snus over tobacco, which is reflected in locally produced TV series.

Swedish TV and Nordic Noir

Many Scandinavian and Swedish TV series are crime dramas that involve twisted storylines and dark overtones. Series like Bron, Wallander and Innan Vi Dör for example, received both critical and popular acclaim and were widely successful. Netflix even produced an original TV series in Swedish that goes by the name of Störst av allt. It was released in 2017 and is based on a popular detective novel. All TV characters make use of snus a lot — enough to make you want to buy some nicotine pouches for yourself! There’s no denying that the Swedes have made a name for themselves in this genre.

Comedy in Swedish TV

However, those looking for something a little lighter for their evening viewing will not be let down since the country also does well with comedy and there are many entertaining shows that will elicit more than a few laughs. Fallet, for example, is a spoof on the noir genre that perfects dark comedy to a T. Another two excellent light-hearted series are Bonusfamiljen and Welcome to Sweden. Both these are streamed on Netflix and fall into the comedy-drama genre and will be enjoyed by both Swedes and non-Swedes alike. The Swedish may not be known for their humour but they do deliver some mean punchlines.