#UKPunDay takes place on Monday 7th February

Monday 7th February is #UKPunDay! The brainchild of Europe’s largest comedy gala, Leicester Comedy Festival, it is a day that champions Britain’s love of puns and wordplay, and which now takes place every year on the second Monday of February.

Whether on social media, in the press or at the festival itself, everyone is invited to get on board the pun train, share punbelievable newspaper headlines, punspired shop names from around the country and shamelessly milk the cheers and groans that makes punning marvellous fun.

#UKPunDay was born off the back of the festival’s annual UK Pun Championship which is now in its eighth year and the hashtag has trended on Twitter every year since its creation. #UKPunDay has grown into a global phenomenon and people take part in it all over the world. In 2021, Leicester Comedy Festival even published a book dedicated to the art of the pun; ‘All Puns Blazing’ which features jokes and puns donated by over 30 comedians.

If you see yourself as a bit of a punny guy or gal, why not post your favourite pun on social media using the hashtag #UKPunDay? You never know, perhaps this time next year, you could even be competing in the UK Pun Championships itself!

For more information on #UKPunDay and the UK Pun Championships, go to: https://comedy-festival.co.uk/uk-pun-championships-3/.

Adele Cliff won the UK Pun Championships at Leicester Comedy Festival in 2020 and also had some of her jokes included in the ‘All Puns Blazing’ book.

Here are three of Adele’s funniest puns to help get the creative juices flowing:

1. “I saw a man in the park following women with a football. He was doing creepie-uppies.”

2. “I keep white chocolate down my top, the milky bras are on me!”

3. “My ex has been trying to win me back by sending me British wildlife. I wish he’d stop badgering me.”