West London teen hopes to win RSPCA photo comp
The public are being invited to vote for their favourite photo in this year’s RSPCA Young Photographer People’s Choice Award – with 15 hilarious and fascinating images vying for the top prize!
From a hungry fish, to a moth on a window; and a dog catching a frisbee, to a canine poking their head out of a cat flap – the 15 shortlisted images entered by budding young photographers aged 18 and under are all vying for the public vote.
Online voting is now open for the public and the winner will be decided by votes cast online
The People’s Choice Award is part of the prestigious RSPCA Young Photographer Awards.
In December last year, the overall winners of the Young Photographer Awards were announced after being judged by a panel of photographic experts. The People’s Choice Award is now live – with a special online poll enabling people to pick their winning photo from a selection of images entered in the Mobile Phone and Devices, Pet Personalities and Pet Portraits categories.
This year, a teenager from London has been shortlisted and is in with a chance of claiming the winning public vote. Ellie Tsang, 17, from Greenford in West London has been shortlisted with her image ‘It Lurks’ which shows a jellyfish at an aquarium. To vote for Ellie visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SHZVSS8
The other shortlisted images are:
‘Spotted, the young lady’ featuring a ladybird larvae, photographed by Flynn Thaitanunde-Lobb, aged 10, from Hampshire
‘Hungry Fish’ featuring a carp, by Tom Wiseman, aged 15, from Kent
‘The Portal’ featuring a reflection of a dog by Iceni Newcombe, aged 15, from Kent
‘The elegant slug’ featuring an image of a slug at a waterfall in Whitby, taken by Eva Steel, aged 14, from Cornwall
‘Frisbee Lion’ shows dog Betsie catching a frisbee, taken by George Avery, aged 12, from Cornwall
‘Keeping a Look Out’ shows spaniel Lexie poking her head out of the cat flap by Eilidh Shannon, aged 13, from Scotland
And ‘Take Me With You’ showing a cat in a suitcase, also by Eilidh Shannon from Scotland
‘Behind the Leaves’ features cat Luna hiding in bushes snapped by Eliza Harvey-Keightley, aged 14, from Surrey
‘3,2,1…Go!’ shows Emily the cat mid-run, snapped by last year’s YPA winner Anwen Whitehead, 15, from Wales
‘Paws’ features a cat’s paws as they climb a tree taken by Megan Smith, 12, from Scotland
‘Biscuit?’ features dog Herb as he rests his chin on a table desperate for a treat, by Henrietta Stewart, aged seven, from Bedfordshire
‘Funny Face’ shows dog Jess pulling a face as she tries to catch a ball, by Ella Moakler-Woodhouse, aged 10, from Leeds
‘Beautiful Moth’ shows a moth perched on a window and taken by Rehana Nelson, aged 15, from Staffordshire
‘Star Catching’ features dog Robin on an evening walk, by Grace Marshall, aged 18, from West Sussex
Andrew Forsyth, RSPCA photographer and judge, said: “The photos shortlisted for the People’s Choice Award this year are fantastic and really varied, from some sweet and funny pictures of pets showing off their incredible personalities to stunning photos of insects in all their tiny glory. This is a brilliant selection of images from some passionate and talented young people – and we urge the public to not only enjoy these photos, but to vote for their favourite too!”
Every year the charity encourages children and young people to take photos of all kinds of animals in a bid to become closer to nature and inspire the next generation to help create a better world for every animal. This comes at a time when conservationist and diversity campaigner Dr Mya-Rose Craig, 22, known online as Birdgirl, has issued a rallying call for people from all communities to join the debate about the future of animal welfare – as she highlights the importance of opening up nature and the countryside for everyone in the latest RSPCA’s Animal Futures podcast – which also goes live this week.
British-Bangladeshi birdwatcher Mya-Rose and founder of Black2Nature, a charity for bringing diversity to the natural world, speaks alongside National Trust chair Rene Olivieri in the latest edition of the podcast – with both highlighting the importance of young people experiencing and enjoying the great outdoors.
Andrew added: “At the RSPCA, we know how incredibly important it is that children and young people feel connected to the natural world and have the drive and passion to protect it. As we look to the future of animal welfare, we are committed to engaging the next generation so we can deliver the change needed to protect animals, people and the planet. This is why it’s incredible to see Mya-Rose, and all our passionate young photographers, embracing nature and being powerful advocates for the animal kingdom!”
The People’s Choice voting closes on Wednesday 26th March and the winner will be announced on the RSPCA’s socials on Thursday 27th March.
To vote in the RSPCA’s People’s Choice Awards visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SHZVSS8