What lessons can 90s romcom nostalgia teach us? Zoe Brownstone finds out in Fringe debut

The debut Edinburgh Festival Fringe show from Jewish Canadian comic and quirky best friend Zoe Brownstone answers all of your questions about love, heartbreak and bilingual visa break ups. Zoe has been performing standup since before dating apps existed, and yet she still does not know how love works, if you can even believe that.

That’s not the whole truth—in fact, she is quite certain she has unlocked several mysteries of the heart along the way including how to survive multiple stints as a step-parent, deportations and bilingual pandemic breakups. She may even be willing to share some of these top tips with Fringe audiences, but how will you know unless you come and see her debut stand-up show?

In this debut hour Zoe breaks down her personal breakdowns –- a seemingly endless parade of overzealous attempts at big romance. Where do we go after we love? What happens after love? Do you believe in life after love??! Zoe invites you to solve it together at her new show – or at the very least solve serious political crises in the process of trying.

Heralded as an ‘incredible joke writer’ by fellow Canadian Mae Martin, Zoe has been one of London’s fastest rising circuit comics and cannot wait to share her new hour with all three of her exes and you. She was the runner up in the 2023 Only Fans Creative Fund Comedy Competition – the biggest prize in comedy – in 2023.