“Wild Woman” Narin Oz puts autism on stage at Wandsworth Arts Fringe

Surreal deadpan comedy actress and writer, Narin Özenci returns with her alter ego Narin Oz to the stage with her solo show, The Wild Woman- in progress.

Narin Özenci’s eccentrically deadpan alter ego, Narin Oz Debutes her ridiculously unfinished show, The Wild Woman (In Progress) at The Wandsworth Arts Fringe this June.

This show is a love letter to her own struggles of coming to terms with being autistic, trying to make sense and cope with the world around her. The show is still developing and turning into a magnificent beast and Narin is inviting all brains to come and watch. Follow her alter ego Narin Oz as she ventures off into the surreal world of her unfinished show falling into plot holes. Watch her futile attempts of pulling herself out of them, info dump, play with her sensory overload and melt downs not wanting to be the wild woman in progress.

The synopsis of Narin Özenci’s alter ego’s Narin Oz’s unfinished show:
Alice from check out 5 stacks shelves in a Turkish corner shop. Her real name is Melek but her boss made her wear an Alice name tag because of budget cuts. Whilst stacking shelves during a night shift, to make up for her lateness, the electrics cut out. She awakens to find herself inside her own brain, wearing a very scary wedding dress in the frozen food section. In order to escape back to the real world she must find her way out by revisiting all her past memories that are packed away in different aisles before she forgets everything and ends up betrothed. Luckily there to support her are her trusty side kicks, Severed Finger & Dr Faecal Matter who are completely unhelpful. Unawares lurking around the corner is the wild woman ready to sabotage her mission for freedom.

Expect audience interaction. Expect mayhem. Expect an unfinished show.

Written & performed by Narin Özenci.
Narin has made three previous theatre shows for the Edinburgh Fringe festival, has her own show called Girls Go Trolling on Channel 4 and has appeared on BBC 1’s Man Like Mobeen amongst other things. Recently won best comedy for her short film The Geoffrey Diaries as part of Mindfield Film Festival.

The Wild Woman Show Opens at The Arches At St Mary’s Church on Tuesday 18th June until the Wednesday 19th June. 21:00-22:00.

Tickets are on sale now!
Box Office: [email protected]