5 Ways to Keep Productivity Up in Your Office

Has the heavy workload taken a toll on your office productivity, or is your focus hindered by a messy office environment? There are many reasons why your workplace productivity is faltering, and addressing these can help you reach your career goals faster, work more efficiently, and get more tasks completed in a smaller amount of time!

Here’s a list of 5 ways you can bring back the productivity in your office, and maintain it! From a thorough deep cleaning to a well-needed break, these tips will help you maintain focus, and gain better concentration at the tasks you need to complete for the day.

1. Deep Clean the Office

A thorough cleaning of the office may not sound like much when you’re considering your productivity, but cleanliness is actually a catalyst for your concentration, ensuring that your focus is on your work and not the dust bunny floating by at the corner of your eye. Deep clean the office at least twice a month for optimal cleanliness!

Deep cleaning is not your regular office cleaning. Office cleaning should be done daily, but deep cleaning will get rid of the dust and dirt from deep within your space. This includes washing furniture, shampooing carpets, disinfecting surfaces, cleaning light fixtures and ceilings, deep cleaning equipment, and more.

For all your cleaning needs – both deep cleaning and general cleaning, trust Luce Maintenance Group to do the job right! Focus on your work while professional cleaners will get your entire office to a spotless clean. It will surely upkeep the productivity of your workplace. Find more information here: sg.lucemg.com/services/office-cleaning.

2. Let the Light In

Dark spaces may seem cozy, albeit creepy for some people, but we can all agree that they are not conducive to a focus-oriented workplace. Dark rooms make you feel sleepy, which will blur your productivity, and tempt you to take a nap instead of completing your tasks. Think about the last time you tried to work at night, or during an overcast day, and how difficult it was to focus.

Let the natural light into your office. Open up those heavy curtains, or replace them with light ones that allow partial light to come in. Natural light is great for energy, and will help you concentrate better. Light bulbs with a natural hue can also be used to keep up the productivity in the office, as you brighten up the space without the heat of the sunlight.

3. Keep to a Comfortable Temperature

An office that is too cold is difficult to work in. You spend more energy shivering and keeping warm, rather than working. You may also tend to feel sleepy in a very cold room as compared to a warm one, which can affect your productivity as well. On the other hand, a room that is too hot also hinders focus as you struggle to keep comfortable in the sweltering heat.

Keep your office at a comfortable temperature. Adjust the thermostat of your air conditioning system accordingly, and keep the temperature to a comfortable 16 to 20 degrees celsius. A comfortable temperature pulls your focus away from your environment and discomfort, and pushes it back to the tasks you’re working on for the day.

4. Organize Digital and Physical Files

Your physical files can get messy: they can become disorganized, improperly labeled, or even get accidentally destroyed due to spills or shredding. Similarly, your digital files may often get messy as we attempt to save time by improperly labeling them. These disorganized files make it difficult for you to find the record you’re looking for, especially when you have thousands of files!

Set aside some time, and get to organizing these files. When you get these organized, you will be able to find those documents much faster, leading to a more efficient work habit. Make it a habit to properly label your documents as well to avoid complications in looking for specific documents in the future!

5. Give Yourself a Break!

Finally, your productivity may not have decreased due to your environment or disorganization, but rather due to you being overwhelmed. When you’re overwhelmed, your mind automatically dissociates you from your work, in an attempt to lessen your stress. You get nothing done, and the tasks you did accomplish may not be up to par with your standards.

It is okay, and in fact well-recommended, to give yourself a break every once in a while. Take 10-20 minutes off your schedule to walk around, play a short idle game, or catch up with your chat groups before jumping back into work. This will reboot your stress levels, and will get you ready for all the work you need to do.