Category Archives: Business

UK top savers revealed: Londoners saves the most for retirement

Saving for your retirement is an important aspect of financial planning. If you plan on living out your retirement years comfortably and without any nasty surprises, then saving is a must. But currently, the coronavirus outbreak has hit all aspects of our lives, with many

From Immigrant to CEO, This Female Embodies the American Dream

Tsvetta Kaleynska is a CEO, an author, TV commentator, and female empowerment leader and she seems to do it all. Women immigrants have played a dynamic role in transforming societies globally, in every aspect we can think of. In our desire to continually promote inspirational

Merton launches £1m million neighbourhood funding programme

Merton Council has launched a £1 million neighbourhood funding programme to enhance community spaces and invest in infrastructure across the borough. As a council, we recognise the huge challenges many organisations face as a result of coronavirus, and this will be an opportunity for community

Crowd helps businesses thrive during COVID-19

Crowd, the Department for International Trade, and Great Britain Campaign are helping Prodigio re-imagine the magic of live exhibitions which are now affected by the global pandemic. Exhibitions and events are truly irreplaceable, as they allow like-minded people to create relationships, share ideas, and interact

UK Government Change Guidance on Wearing Face Masks

The UK Government has now released concrete guidance that face coverings should be worn in crowded places including public transport and shops. A social distance of 2m is recommended in every aspect of daily life, however in some situations this is near impossible, displaying a

New study reveals how COVID-19 is affecting retirement savings

Saving for your retirement is an important aspect of financial planning. If you plan on living out your retirement years comfortably and without any nasty surprises, then saving is a must. But currently, the coronavirus outbreak has hit all aspects of our lives, with many


No this is not some type of spy novel or covert government agency, however, it has got parallels to those worlds these particular special agents are also working in an industry that is both national and international and is worth billions of dollars. Welcome to