Category Archives: Business

Inside the “Humidity Fights Flu” campaign

A load of infections that can be caught by humans are airborne. This is why you may see someone in a public space wearing an n95-mask. They want to do as much as they can to avoid picking up germs from other infected individuals. But

Mayor tasks manufacturers with helping him end moped-related crime

Motorcycle manufacturers attended a summit at City Hall yesterday where the Mayor will tell them it is vital that they help defeat motorcycle-related crime – which includes mopeds and scooters – in the capital by designing anti-theft measures into their vehicles. Last year* there were

GivenGain partners #GivingTuesday 2017 in one of its most successful years

In 2017, global giving movement #GivingTuesday had one of its most successful campaigns to date, with over $274,000,000 raised online for charitable causes by individuals, communities and organisations worldwide. Online charitable fundraising platform GivenGain contributed to this year’s success as a #GivingTuesday partner. GivenGain offered

Why your employees won’t be replaced by robots

Hinckley firm to host major conference on Humanising HR in a digital world. Achieving the balance between effectively managing a workforce while also tackling new innovations around artificial intelligence (AI) is never going to be easy. However, implementing a workforce management system could be the

Baroness Sugg meets apprentices on visit to Luton Airport

Aviation Minister Baroness Sugg visited Luton Airport yesterday (19 January 2018) to meet apprentices and trainees working at the heart of the aviation industry. The minister was provided with an overview of Luton’s £150 million redevelopment and met some of the apprentices who are helping

Luxury sportswear brand wants to redefine luxury cyclo-tourism

This spring will see London-based high end cycling holiday company Cycology Travel pair up with British performance sportswear brand ashmei with the aim of redefining luxury cyclo-tourism. Limited to just 12 spots, the exclusive Tramuntana Tour 2018 spring break ride package (5th- 8th April 2018)

HR leaders must embrace automation in 2018

HR leaders must consider the benefits of harnessing robotic process automation in 2018, or be left behind the curve. That is the advice from global talent acquisition and management specialist, Alexander Mann Solutions. The recommendation comes following a report from the Future of Work Commission,

Coindirect makes digital currency trading simple, one of the easiest and fastest way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies online, is pleased to announce the initial launch of its ground-breaking platform for local currency trading. The cryptocurrency marketplace is designed to make trading in digital currencies simple, and is now