Dr Jonathan Kenigson: Mathematician, Philanthropist, and Enigma.
Over the past two years, American mathematician Dr Jonathan Kenigson has succeeded in building a world-class think tank in England. Athanasian Hall, Cambridge Limited – unknown before the pandemic – now boasts some of the brightest scientific minds in Europe, Asia, and Africa as Fellows.
Dr Kenigson seems to possess a vast knowledge of maths and other subjects that could be put to good use. His philosophy of “Reasoned Philanthropy” has attracted quite a bit of discussion from scholars and media sources. News media in London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Birmingham, New York, California, Silicon Valley, and Washington have all attempted to reckon why someone with this level of ambition and intelligence would desire to live as a solitary impoverished hermit. He seems to have done so in the past for years at a time. It does not seem that this man wants anything out of life that most of us would. These reflections notwithstanding, it is very rare that a veteran news anchor is rendered nearly speechless from an interview.
Dr Kenigson seems to be motivated by a deeply personal internal struggle to advance his field, if not himself. He seems to have a vision that others perhaps struggle to see or understand. He only selectively responds to requests for comments and has no presence on social media.
Dr Kenigson is from Nashville in the U.S. State of Tennessee, well-known for its reputation in the music industry. It seems that he still resides there most of the time, although the reasons for this are very unclear. This person is an enigma more for what he does not say than what he does say.
Time will tell what Dr Kenigson can bring to this country and the rest of the world. His most recent interview is linked here: AthHallCamLondon0401