Green Party candidates for Mayor of London meets residents concerned with ‘Project Flourish’
Zoë Garbett, Green Party Candidate for Mayor of London, and local Green Councillor Mona Adam met with residents in Kensington today to hear their concerns about the new housing development planned for their area – called “Project Flourish” (1)
The project by developers Ballymore and Sainsbury’s plans to build 2500 properties on the former Kensal Gasworks site in North Kensington. The project is currently under planning review with the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBKC).
Local residents have raised concerns about the impact of the development on the local area and questioned whether the plans to clean up the toxic site are sufficient. If the toxic legacy of the gas works isn’t properly dealt with this could have long-term health consequences for both the people moving into the new properties and others in the neighbourhood.
The developers are mounting a big PR campaign to support their project and residents are concerned to hear that PR representatives might be submitting responses to the consultation on behalf of residents to falsely show support for the project.
Zoë Garbett said:
“There is a problem all across London of developers building what makes the most profit for them, instead of building what the community actually needs. Even though some of these new properties will be sold as ‘affordable’, we all know that definition is not good enough and in reality they will be way out of the price range of local people who really need somewhere to live.”
“People also have a right to know that new developments are safe. I am supporting the national campaign to bring in Zane’s Law – a law to ensure that housing built on contaminated land is done safely” (2)
“As Mayor I will be reviewing the London plan, and using all the powers that the Mayor has, to push for genuinely affordable and healthy housing to help everyone flourish.”
Mona Adam, Green Councillor for Golborne ward in North Kensington, also said:
“I know from talking to local residents that they have many concerns about this project, and I want to make sure that their voices are heard.”
“I am particularly worried about reports that the developers’ PR companies ‘Just Build Homes’ and ‘Thorncliffe ‘Your Shout’ are contacting residents in their homes and on social media to try to solicit positive feedback on the planning application and then submitting that on the council’s planning site in the name of those residents. This is unprecedented and very worrying, as individual’s views could be wrongly represented in those submissions.”
“I am calling on RBKC planning officers to disallow submissions when they are made on behalf of residents rather than directly by the residents themselves.”