Kopparberg’s #summerdelivered is delivering Hard Seltzers to customers across the UK

Want the perfect summer drop delivered straight to your doorstep? Kopparberg Hard Seltzer is bringing the party to your front door, with a prize draw that will kick off your summer the right way. The Kopparberg Defender will be blasting summer tunes and delivering fridge-packs of the new Hard Seltzer range to lucky winners in three places, recently chosen by Kopparberg fans via their social channels – Leeds, Manchester and Clapham, London.

If you live in one these areas and would like the chance to receive a visit from the Kopparberg Defender, all you have to do is visit kopparberg.co.uk/summerdelivered/ and fill out an entry form – entrants please be aware, you must live within 5km of LS1, or M1, or SW4 to enter. With friends and family now able to be reunited in gardens, parks and outdoor spaces, Kopparberg Hard Seltzer is making the reunion even sweeter.

If you’ve not heard of Kopparberg Hard Seltzer yet – where have you been?! The brand famous for alcoholic fruit refreshment, has injected its phenomenal flavour credentials into the UK’s latest drinks trend – the Hard Seltzer. In true Kopparberg style, the new Hard Seltzers don’t shy away from flavour and there’s zero compromise on taste.

Available in three flavours, Mixed Berries, Passion Fruit and Black Cherry, Kopparberg Hard Seltzer is expertly produced to the same high standard you’ve come to expect from the Independent Swedish brand – 5% ABV, 93 calories, carb and gluten free, and vegan friendly. The low-calorie count is the result of Kopparberg’s trademarked KopparSpirit, which leaves behind no residual sugar – but does pack a bold and fruity punch.

The draw closes to entries on 23rd June 2020; winners will be contacted on 24 June and will need to confirm their address and age by or on 25 June – so if you enter, remember to check your email! The Kopparberg Defender will be visiting Leeds (26th June), Manchester (27th June) and Clapham, London (28th June) to deliver Kopparberg Hard Seltzers to most of the lucky winners. Those winners not visited by our Defender will have their prizes delivered by courier on or before 1st July.