London Designer Outlet and Woman’s Solace Aid provide shoes to centres around Wembley this Christmas

LDO Wembley Park has partnered with Solace Women’s Aid to provide every one of the 220 children in Solace refuges with a pair of comfortable winter shoes this Christmas.

No child should have to go without such a basic necessity, so London Designer Outlet is on a mission to work together with Solace to donate shoes for every child homed in a Solace refuge, and they want people to support them in their mission by participating through donations.

Solace has 22 centres across London boroughs and offers free advice and support to women and children to build safe and strong lives – striving to offer them futures free from abuse and violence.

How to get involved:
All you need to do is purchase a pair of shoes from a brand at London Designer Outlet and drop them off at Guest Services before 16th December.

When you drop your shoes off for donation, you can complete a donation gift tag to include a personal message.

There are a variety of brands available offering shoes of varying styles and price points – from as little as £4 per pair! Please ensure they are sensible winter shoes so the children can keep their feet warm during the colder months.