National Beer Day 2023: Getting Spill Stains Out of Your Shoes

According to a survey by Licensed Trade Charity back in 2021, the average pub going Brit will drink 7,786 pints of lager in their lifetime. That whopping 4,424 litres of beer ranks Britons as the world’s 16th ‘biggest drinkers’.

With this in mind, ahead of National Beer Day next week (Thursday 15th June) what’s your pint of choice? A traditionally English lager? An ever-popular Irish stout? Or, perhaps the more commonly now-adored IPA?

Whatever you choose, you run the risk of staining your beloved shoes – and that’s why we’re here. If this has happened to you, and you’ve ruined a perfectly good pair of white sneakers with a Guinness, it’s in your best interest to read on…

This quick guide will help you get those beer spill stains off of your shoes – don’t let another good pair of New Balance go to waste!

Beer is different to other drinks

As we’ve previously mentioned, your choice of alcohol will determine the course of action. When it comes to beer, it’s a dry, water-based alcohol, and the stain’s often caused by its high water content. Usually, the result is a white ring around the outside of the spill.

One thing to be aware of when cleaning the stain is to avoid damaging the integrity of the material. The last thing you want is cracked leather or irreparable suede!


● A soft shoe brush
● A clean cloth
● A sponge
● Maize flour/ Polenta
● Washing up liquid (⅛ tsp.)

Suede shoes

1) Start off by using a soft shoe brush to remove any dirt or debris from your shoe – this will help prevent any further embedding of dirt before you begin the cleaning process.

2) Dab your sponge into warm water and then carefully dampen the beer stain. Allow time for the shoes to dry before proceeding.

3) Using the clean cloth, rub the maize flour (polenta) into the area of staining in a circular motion. Leave this to dry for around five minutes.

4) Using the shoe brush, wipe away the maize flour and you should be left with a clean pair of suede sneakers.

Leather shoes

1) Repeat stage one as you did with the suede shoes.

2) Rinse the area of staining with warm water.

3) Mix warm water and the washing up liquid.

4) Use the clean cloth to apply the soapy warm water to the area of staining and clean in a circular motion.

5) Rinse the shoes with cold water and allow them to dry.

So, there you have it, the perfect way to enjoy National Beer Day with no fear of repercussions on your shoes!