What do Chinese tenants look for in a London home?

London has a larger foreign-born population proportion than any other UK city, with 38% of Londoners being migrants, according to The Migration Observatory. That compares to 14% (9.4 million people) for the UK as a whole. Of those 9.4 million people, 216,000 were born in

Join the sporting elite and Royal Ballet dancers live and behind the scenes on #WorldBalletDay 2019

Dame Kelly Holmes, Colin Jackson, Mark Ramprakash, Tony Adams and Chemmy Alcott join The Royal Ballet on #WorldBalletDay, Wednesday 23 October 2019. For the sixth year running, #WorldBalletDay will see a record breaking 31 dance companies, including The Royal Ballet, The Australian Ballet and The Bolshoi Ballet, join forces in this global celebration of dance. Exploring the

Arrests in connection with Extinction Rebellion protests

On Tuesday, 8 October 2019, the Metropolitan Police Service imposed a condition upon the ongoing Extinction Rebellion demonstrations in central London. The following condition was imposed under Section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986: “Any assembly linked to the Extinction Rebellion ‘Autumn Uprising’…who wish

Introducing actor to watch – Rodrigo Rocha

Actor Rodrigo Rocha is not slowing down anytime soon. After a slew of roles, he is preparing to lead a feature indie movie, “SSW Of The Border”. Set to start production in the first quarter of 2019, the film is projected to be released early