The unemployment rate is at 4%, the lowest since 1975

The unemployment rate has fallen further this month, to 4%, with a higher proportion of black and ethnic minority (BME) people in work than ever before. As young people in England and Wales await their A-level results on Thursday, the proportion of young people who

London Councils response to rough sleeping strategy

London Councils supports the government’s ambition to end rough sleeping, while also highlighting the importance of increasing social housing. Cllr Darren Rodwell, London Council’s Executive member for housing and planning, said: “Reducing homelessness in London requires a massive increase in social housing provision, which is

Winstanley & York Road regeneration consultation begins

Hundreds of Battersea residents have been meeting with the Regeneration Team to discuss the proposed development plans for the Winstanley and York Road estates. A planning application is due to be submitted later this year, comprising of an outline planning proposal of the masterplan and detailed proposals