People of London are urged to check their homes are gas safe as winter freeze sets in

With temperatures already plunging in London this week, the Gas Safe Register is urging people from the city to protect themselves, their loved ones and their homes by brushing up on their gas safety skills. As temperatures tumble, rates of gas incidents climb, making now a crucial time to ensure gas heating appliances have been safety checked by a Gas Safe registered engineer in the past year and everyone in our home can spot the signs and symptoms of unsafe gas.

Latest inspection figures show that 1 in 41 homes in the London area have an unsafe gas appliance. Left not serviced and unchecked year-on-year, gas appliances such as cookers, fires and boilers, can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, as well as gas leaks which – in some extreme circumstances – can lead to, fires and explosions that cost lives and shatter neighbourhoods.

Most incidents of carbon monoxide poisoning happen in the winter months when people are more likely to be using their gas appliances, such as boilers and fires to keep warm. Carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous gas that you can’t see, taste or smell. It can cause death and serious long-term health problems, but it is preventable.
Worryingly, recent research on behalf of Gas Safe Register found two fifths of homeowners2 admit to pushing safety actions such as fitting a carbon monoxide alarm and ensuring their boilers are safety checked to the bottom of their to-do lists.

To help people from London stay safe during the cold snap, the Gas Safe Register has put together a list of gas safety steps:
Better Gas Safe Than Sorry safety steps
1. The most important step is to have all your gas appliances safety checked every year by a Gas Safe registered engineer – sign up for a free reminder so you don’t forget. If you rent your home, ask for a copy of the landlord’s current Gas Safety

2. Only use a Gas Safe registered engineer to fit, fix and service your gas appliances. It’s illegal for someone to do this if they’re not on the Gas Safe Register. You can find and check an engineer at or call 0800 408 5500.

3. Check both sides of your engineer’s Gas Safe Register ID card. Make sure they are qualified for the work you need doing. You can find this information on the back of the card. Look out for the yellow triangle.

4. Know the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. Symptoms are not always obvious, and it can be confused with less serious illnesses such as a cold, flu or even a hangover. There are six main symptoms: headaches, nausea, dizziness, breathlessness, collapse and loss of consciousness.

5. Check gas appliances for warning signs that they are not working properly e.g. lazy yellow flames instead of crisp blue ones, black sooty marks or stains on or around the appliance and the boiler pilot light keeps going out.

6. Fit an audible carbon monoxide alarm. This will alert you if there is carbon monoxide in your home.