Pubs across the City of London are preparing for fright night

Pubs across the City of London are preparing for fright night and they have begun decorating already – a cobweb here, a creepy crawly there – readying themselves for a week-long celebration that the pubs have dubbed ‘Hallo-week’.

Customers are encouraged to visit the pubs in fancy dress throughout the festivities – scary guises will not be out of place from Friday 26th October all the way to Sunday 4th November.

The Winsdor has secured some scarily good offers on some of their most popular brews – with Strongbow getting in on the fun with its CarnEvil promotion, giving customers the chance to win some spooky props, like the infamous ‘All-Seeing Eye Patch’. On top of this, Halloween’s unofficial ale, Hobgoblin, will be available for just £1.99.WKD cauldrons will be available for potions, in some frightening flavours, including Vampire Blood, The Purple Nightmare and Jaws and spine chillingly cold Jägermeister will also be on offer.

Dead Man’s Fingers Spiced Rum will be available for customers to enjoy and at a ghoulishly good price at the following pubs: the William Blake, the Trader, Alice, the Minories, the Britannia, Editor’s Tap, Cannick Tapps, and the Duke of Somerset.

Both weekends – either side of the Hallowed Eve – will be dedicated to some FANG-tastic fun with party nights organised to encourage revellers in their witching ways.

The General Manager of the Minnories, Naveen Vangala, said: “I was pondering on which weekend we would celebrate, and then a particularly bright spark – and fancy-dress enthusiast – on my team, suggested we do both weekends! And why not? Halloween is an excuse to really let your hair down – more than any other day throughout the year.

“So, come along and celebrate with us – you’re sure to have a SPOOK-tacular time!”

The Cheshire Cheese

48 Crutched Friars, Tower Hill London, EC3N 2AP

The Windsor

2 New London Street, London, EC3R 7NA

The William Blake

174-180 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BP

The Trader

142-146 Whitecross Street, London, EC1Y 8QJ

The Alice

133 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7BX

The Minories

64-73 Minories, London, EC3N 1JL


20 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AJ

Editor’s Tap

5–11 Fetter Lane, London , EC4A 1BR

The Cannick Tapps

109 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 5AD

The Duke of Somerset

15 Little Somerset Street, Aldgate London, E1 8AH