Category Archives: Business

One-Day Festival: Learning to Love from The School of Life

On the 16th March The School of Life are hosting a one-day festival of lectures, games and group discussion about learning to love at every stage where Alain de Botton (founder of The School of Life) and Raul Aparici (faculty lead) will be speaking. As

Short-termism grips UK’s increasingly stressed small businesses

Short-termism is gripping UK small businesses, according to commercial insurer AXA, which today reveals that many are adopting short-term planning and cutting reliance on external funding ahead of Brexit. Staying agile and light is a common strategy, but may not give businesses the best chance

The ULTIMATE last minute Valentine’s Day gift!

From romantic dinners to little gifts like Kabbalah Jewelry, finding the perfect way to celebrate Valentine’s Day is something on the top of every loving couple’s minds. And with Valentine’s Day fast approaching and last-minute panic starting to set in for the perfect romantic gift,

THE FUTURE of Aesthetic Learning Using Virtual Reality Technology

Training programs for Aestethic practitioners are very expensive and limited for one or two days. After a training course most of the practitioners are having difficulties to remember everything they learn during the course and lack of confidence bring more problems also more complications. Also

Grow your business with the help from London and Partners

If you are looking to overcome your barriers to growth and achieve your potential, the Business Growth Programme may be able to help. It is essential for businesses to have a plan in place to ensure that they are remaining steady with their growth pathway,