Limited-edition Deliver-Woof egg for dogs drops THIS WEEK!

Britain’s pooches no longer have to miss out on the traditional Easter egg hunt, thanks to a paws-itively delicious new creation from Deliveroo.

‘Deliver-Woof’ is an Easter ‘chocolate’ treat created especially for pooches – a scrumptious, 100% fido-friendly chocolate egg made with dog-safe ingredients and added vitamin A and D – both essential nutrients for dogs. The tail-wagging treat -suitable for medium and large breed puppies and dogs*- is shaped like the iconic ‘Roo’ head and comes nestled in a bespoke, dog-themed Easter egg box, perfect for those who want their canine companions to join in the fun.

Set to be very pup-ular with the nation’s pooches, the £5 ‘Deliver-Woof’ Easter egg is available from select Deliveroo Editions sites across the UK, including London, on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th March – just in time for the Bank Holiday weekend.

The pupalicious treat launches as research from Deliveroo finds over two thirds (69%) of Londoners want their dogs to feel part of their Easter celebrations. In fact, almost half (51%) of Londoners say they have previously hosted an Easter egg hunt for their pooch or intend to do so. Nearly three-quarters (74%) say they wish they could share chocolate Easter treats with their four-legged friend.

Yet over half (56%) of pet parents in London say they feel nervous about having traditional chocolate – which is poisonous to dogs – in the house at Easter in case their pet gets its paws on it, with 49% revealing their insatiable pup has previously taken food off their plate and 40% confessing their pooch has snatched food from their hands to much on treats not meant for them.

The Deliver-Woof Easter egg has been created in collaboration with Woodgreen Pets Charity, to provide a safe and canine-friendly alternative to traditional chocolate so pets and pet parents alike can enjoy the seasonal celebration.

Woodgreen Pets Charity, as featured on the Channel 4 show ‘The Dog House’, helps around 8,000 pets every year – from rehabilitating and rehoming dogs, cats and small animals to supporting pets and owners in their homes. All proceeds from the sales of the Deliver-Woof egg will make a difference for both pets and their people.

Fiona Cooke, Head of Specialist Services at Woodgreen Pets Charity added, “Easter has arrived, which means chocolate eggs aplenty. But it’s important to remember that our canine friends cannot indulge in the same way that we do because human chocolate is toxic to dogs. Pet safety is something we are hugely passionate about at Woodgreen, so we are delighted to be partnering with Deliveroo to create an Easter treat that is both safe and delicious for our four-legged friends. We’ve put together some tips and guidance on what you can do at home to keep your dog safe and happy over the Bank Holiday weekend.”

The charity has provided some top tips for Deliveroo’s pet parents to help them navigate the Easter season while keeping pet safety front of mind.

Keep chocolate out of paw’s reach: Unfortunately human chocolate, which contains theobromine, is toxic for dogs. Depending on the size of your four-legged friend, be mindful of where you store your chocolate at Easter, avoiding cupboards that are within your pet’s reach, or low coffee tables and open bins. Top shelves are your best bet for ultimate pet safety, and while decorations such as Easter baskets filled with mini chocolates look nice, they can pose a risk to our furry friends if kept at nose level.
Spread the word: Not everyone will necessarily be aware of the foods that are harmful to our pets. So when entertaining at Easter, it’s important to be vocal with your guests about what your dog can and can’t eat, so they can help keep your pet safe too. In addition to chocolate, many other Easter treats such as hot cross buns and simnel cake – both of which contain currants and dried fruits – are dangerous for dogs. The more your guests are aware, the less likely they will be to sneak your pooch tidbits from the table!
The nose always knows: Dogs have an incredibly powerful sense of smell, which means if you’re hosting an Easter egg hunt for the family, they can sniff out those treats faster than most of us! As such, it’s best to keep your dog in a separate room or on a lead until you are completely confident that all human treats have been found to ensure they remain out of harm’s way.
Tail-wagging games: Everyone loves Easter games and now, with the introduction of the Deliver-Woof Easter egg, your furry friends can too. In fact, games that involve hiding treats and encouraging your pet to sniff them out and find them are both physically and mentally stimulating and are a great way to involve dogs in the Easter fun safely. Of course, be sure not to overdo the treats and remember to check packaging labels for portion sizes, nutritional information, and ingredients before feeding anything to your dog.
Give your dog a break: Just like humans, dogs need downtime, and they’ll likely need a rest after the excitement of getting involved in the annual family Easter egg hunt! Make sure you give them a safe and quiet space to retreat to throughout the day where they won’t be disturbed, such as their bed or a covered crate.