London Frost bite: 5 vegetables and plants that will survive freezing weather

With freezing temperatures across the UK and amber warnings in London, it can be a challenging time for gardeners. Some plants and vegetables will wilt and die, whilst others will thrive and actually taste
better after they have been exposed to the cold.

With planning and preparation, you can have a winter garden that yields a bountiful harvest of fresh vegetables for your dinner table and a garden full of colour. Gardening expert, Jack Sutcliffe at
Power Sheds has revealed which vegetables and plants love the cold to help keep your garden going all year round.




If you are looking for a flower garden centerpiece that will withstand cold winter weather, look no further than lily-of-the-valley. The flower may look delicate, but this perennial plant is hardy and
adaptable to UK climates.

Even though it may not bloom as brightly during frigid conditions, this plant will still provide years of beauty alongside your other flowering plants!

Note: If the lilies are placed in a pot outdoors, we recommend you cover the pot well with some bubble wrap to prevent the soil in the pot from freezing up.



Ideally, Echinacea should be planted where they can get full sunlight, they are tough perennials in the Daisy family. Not only are they frost resistant but also heat resistant.

As well as surviving cold winters, they are also low-maintenance plants that become dormant in winter and remerge in spring.

Note: after these flowers go dormant, trim the dead stems, and stabilise them with 1-2 inches of mulch for protection.

The English Primrose:

The English Primrose comes in a variety of colours and thrives in cooler temperatures. Primroses grow best in partial or full shade, do not require a lot of sunlight and just a little water which is ideal
for colder days. To retain moisture, add a layer of mulch around the plant.


Brussel sprouts:

Not only are they healthy but they are becoming increasingly popular every year.

Brussels sprouts can be grown in all climates, but they do not like heat. They prefer cooler temperatures, as it prevents the sprouts from getting too bitter. This is because frost enhances flavour by breaking
down starches in the cells, releasing natural sugars. This process, known as “cold sweetening,” is what gives them their characteristic sweetness.


This is because the flavour is not fully developed until the roots have been exposed to freezing temperatures. Once this has happened, they taste much more pleasant.

Another bonus is that they are a good source of fibre and vitamins. Warning, keep them away from weeds as they are not good at competing with them for moisture.